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April 2005

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 15 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
M. Fethullah Gulen

A Tribute to Mothers

A mother is a blessed saintly being in her own world. The Ka‘ba is the spirit, meaning, essence, and atlas of the entire reality of the universe; Makka is the same for all places, and the mind for the... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Alphonse Dougan

Fields of Certainty as a Unifying Paradigm for Science and Religion

A superficial understanding of science and religion perceives these two fields as being disciplines of different realms. Such a perspective sees science as an objective pursuit of knowledge based on o... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Dr. Selim Aydin

The Newly Discovered Dimension of The Heart

In our world of knowledge and wisdom, there are two meanings for the word “heart”; as an emotion that is open to the spiritual realms and an important power plant for the biological structure. Our Lor... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Alphonse Dougan

Good and Evil in Islam

The relationship between good and evil has always intrigued people, and it is one of the central principles upon which religious doctrine and belief systems are built. Religion plays a central role in... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Olgun Hasgul

Ensoulment: When Does Human Life Begin?

One of the most controversial topics in modern bioethics, science, and philosophy is to try to pinpoint the beginning of an individual human life. The consequences of this discussion are vitally impor... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Dr. Zeki Saritoprak

The Creation of Evil is not Evil: Nursi's Theological Approach to the Existence of Evil

The recent tsunami and the devastation that it caused-the deaths of more than 300,000 people and the creation of millions of homeless-have raised the question: How could a loving and benevolent God al... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Ian Markham

Rethinking Globalization

Although globalization is a helpful category, there is considerable disagreement about its precise meaning. Many commentators, while conceding an economic aspect, want to see it defined much more broa... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Dr. Naim F. Erdem

Service-Learning: An Alternative Teaching and Pedagogy

Civic commitment has been a major emphasis of education around the world since ancient times. Public education was founded on the notion that people need to be trained in basic skills in order to serv... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Ismail Acar

Interactions between Prophet Muhammad and Christians

The first interaction between Prophet Muhammad and Christians took place when he was traveling to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib. Later, the Prophet had meetings and dealings with several Christians a... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Veli Karabuga

How Are Babies Protected?

Did you know that the only place human beings are not exposed to germs, such as bacteria or fungi, is in their mothers’ uterus? Yes, from the moment human beings are born into this world they are expo... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Harun Avci

Trust: An Essential Emotion in Interpersonal Relations and Cooperation

George Eastman, the founder of the Kodak Company, took close-up photographs of wild animals in Africa with a simple camera in 1935, which he then showed to his friends. Surprised at seeing how close h... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Korkut Altay

Is there still a chance for me to be forgiven?

The following Hadith on repentance is narrated in the Hadith collections of both Bukhari and Muslim: Once there was a man, a long time before, who killed ninety-nine people. One day he began to feel ... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Hikmet Isik

How should we establish balance with respect to the spiritual and worldly dimensions of our life?

Balance holds a very significant place in every phase of life. Balanced action is necessary over the spectrum which covers the essentials of belief and worship, as well as those of eating and social c... read more..

Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Oleg L. Kuznestov

Terror and Suicide Attacks: An Islamic Perspective

Frankly, I was happy to accept the request to prepare a foreword for the readers of the present collection of articles, Terror and Suicide Attacks: An Islamic Perspective, which had been extended to m... read more..

Issue 51 (July - September 2005)
The Fountain

The Blessed Months

The worth and sanctity attributed to a time or a land are essentially related to the Will of God. This Divine Will brings along countless benefits and examples of wisdom for the creation. We mark cert... read more..

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